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產品目錄 > NATROX高氧傷口治療 > NATROX高氧傷口治療




  • 傷口一般會在四星期內會有癒合的跡象。
  • 如果傷口超過四星期以上仍未有癒合跡象,就會歸類為「不癒合型傷口(non-healing wound)1
  • 傷口不癒合,其中一個原因可能是因為血管出現病變,令傷口缺乏氧氣提供。
  • 氧氣對傷口癒合有多個重要功能,包括:
    • 幫助血管生成2
    • 為細胞提供能量3
    • 協助身體對抗病原4
    • 促進癒合因子5
    • 增加骨膠原形成6,7
    • 細胞增生及傷口癒合8
  • 如果傷口缺乏氧氣,以上的癒合過程就會受阻,傷口亦因此變得難以癒合。一些長期不癒合的傷口(例如糖尿腳)可能會出現感染、潰瘍、壞疽,甚至導致截肢9



  •  源自英國劍橋先進技術

  •  獲美國食品藥物管理局核准(FDA approved)及歐洲合格認證(CE marked)
  • 產品大小﹕105mm() x 60mm () x 9mm ()
  • 產品重量﹕107g
  • 功能﹕
    • 利用空氣中的水份進行電解,以製造氧氣
    • 為傷口提供每小時13毫升98%純氧
    • 一日24小時/一星期7日不停供氧
  • 產品特點﹕
    • 突破性輕巧設計,易於攜帶,完全不會影響使用者日常活動
    • 簡約設計,易於操作
  • 適應症:
    • 糖尿腳 (Diabetic foot)
    • 靜脈性潰瘍 (Venous ulcer)
    • 動脈性潰瘍 (Arterial ulcer)
    • 不癒合型傷口 (Non-healing wound)
  • 研究結果:
    • 相對於一般治療方法,NATROX 可將傷口治癒率提升三倍10
    • 7-8周內,NATROX可幫助難以癒合的傷口面積減少70-80%11
    • NATROX有效減低傷口痛楚12

















一直致力令病人免受截肢之苦,並承諾傷患者提供一次免費的門診諮詢服務,以確定個案是否適合NATROX高氧傷口治療。如有需要,請致電或電話/WhatsApp: 852 - 62267745

***如對此產品有任何疑問,可電郵: katherineyip@solutions-healthcare.com.hk



1.        International consensus. (2011) The role of proteases in wound diagnostics. An expert working group review. London: Wounds International. (Page 5)

2.        Knighton DR, Silver IA, Hunt TK. Regulation of wound-healing angiogenesis-effect of oxygen gradients and inspired oxygen concentration. Surgery. 1981; 90(2):262-270.

3.        Lodish H, Berk A, Zipursky SL, et al. Molecular Cell Biology. 4th edition. New York: W. H. Freeman; 2000.

4.        Babior BM. Oxygen-dependent microbial killing by phagocytes. N Engl J Med. 1978; 298(12):659-68.

5.        Sundaresan M1, Yu ZX, Ferrans VJ, et al. Regulation of reactive-oxygen-species generation in fibroblasts by Rac1. Biochem J. 1996; 318 ( Pt 2):379-82.

6.        Sen CK. The general case for redox control of wound repair. Wound Repair Regen. 2003; 11(6):431-8.

7.        Stephens FO & Hunt TK. Effect of changes in inspired oxygen and carbon dioxide tensions on wound tensile strength: an experimental study. Ann Surg. 1971; 173(4):515-519.

8.        Asmis R, Qiao M & Zhao Q. Low flow oxygenation of full-excisional skin wounds on diabetic mice improves wound healing by accelerating wound closure and reepithelialization. International Wound Journal. 2010; 7(5):349-357.

9.        香港糖尿聯會. 認識糖尿病. Website: http://www.diabetes-hk.org/ch/page/認識糖尿病%20-%20併發症 (Accessed on 12 Nov, 2018).

10.     Yu J, Lu S, McLaren AM, et al. Topical oxygen therapy results in complete wound healing in diabetic foot ulcers. Wound Repair Regen. 2016; 24(6):1066-1072.

11.     Kaufman H, Gurevich M & Tamir E, Topical oxygen therapy stimulates healing in difficult, chronic wounds: a tertiary centre experience. Journal of Wound Care. 2018; 27(7):426-433.

12.     Mani R, Topical oxygen therapy for chronic wounds: a report on the potential of NATROX® a new device for delivering enriched oxygen to chronic wounds. Journal of Wound Technology. 2010; 9:28-30

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產品目錄 > NATROX高氧傷口治療 > NATROX高氧傷口治療

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